Why Remote Employee Engagement is Critical and 10 Ways to Improve It

Remote Employee Engagement

What Is Remote Employee Engagement?

Remote employee engagement refers to the level of commitment, enthusiasm, and loyalty a remote worker feels towards their job and company from a distance. It includes the ways in which employees who work outside of the traditional office environment are connected to their roles, colleagues, and the organization’s goals. 

This concept helps in understanding how to maintain a motivated and productive remote workforce. It involves creating a work culture that supports remote employees through recognition, effective communication, and opportunities for professional development. 

Engaging remote employees requires intentional strategies that foster a sense of belonging and value despite physical separation. These strategies ensure that remote workers are satisfied with their jobs and actively contribute to the company’s success. 

This is part of a series of articles about remote employee management. 

The Impact of Remote Working on Employee Engagement 

Remote working has introduced significant changes to how employees engage with their work and their employers. While offering flexibility and eliminating commute times, it also presents unique challenges that can affect engagement:

  • Potential for isolation: Remote workers may feel disconnected from their colleagues and the company culture, which can lead to a sense of alienation and decreased morale. The lack of spontaneous, informal interactions that typically occur in an office setting can make it harder for remote employees to build strong relationships with their teammates.
  • Communication barriers: Miscommunications or delays in responses can hinder collaboration and productivity. Without face-to-face interactions, it’s easier for misunderstandings to occur, and employees may feel less comfortable sharing ideas or asking for help.
  • Work-life balance: The blurring of boundaries between work and personal life can lead to overworking and burnout. Without the physical separation of an office, employees might find it challenging to switch off from work, leading to stress and decreased job satisfaction.
  • Decreased productivity and higher turnover: Disengaged employees are less likely to be productive and more likely to leave the organization, which increases recruitment and training costs.

Ways to Improve Engagement for Remote Employees

Here are some of the ways that organizations can improve remote employee engagement.

1. Create a Remote Onboarding Experience

The remote onboarding experience helps integrate new hires into the company culture and set them up for success. This process should begin before the employee’s first day, with pre-onboarding activities such as sending welcome packages and providing access to essential tools and resources. Virtual introductions to team members and key stakeholders can also help new employees feel connected from the start.

During the onboarding period, it’s important to offer comprehensive training sessions that cover job-specific skills as well as company policies, communication protocols, and expectations. Regular check-ins by managers or assigned mentors can provide ongoing support, helping new hires navigate their roles.  

2. Set Clear Expectations 

Ensure that remote employees understand their roles, responsibilities, and the goals they need to achieve. This clarity helps in minimizing confusion and aligning their efforts with the company’s objectives. Managers should articulate these expectations through detailed job descriptions, project briefs, and specific performance metrics. 

Regular review sessions can clarify ambiguities and adjust goals as needed to keep pace with changing business demands. Work expectations should also include communication norms and availability schedules. Establish guidelines to ensure that all team members are on the same page regarding when and how they should connect, collaborate, and report on their progress.

3. Maintain Effective Communication 

Establish regular check-ins and communication channels that keep remote workers informed and connected. Using a mix of communication tools, such as video conferencing, instant messaging, and project management software, can replicate the immediacy of office interactions and foster a collaborative environment.

Encourage open dialogue about challenges and successes to create a transparent culture where employees feel valued and heard. This involves not just top-down communication but also peer-to-peer interactions that build strong team dynamics. Ensure that remote employees have opportunities to share their ideas and feedback. 

4. Flexible Work Policies 

Flexible work policies allow employees to choose when and where they work. Such policies accommodate varying personal circumstances and preferences, leading to improved job satisfaction and performance. By trusting employees to manage their schedules, companies demonstrate respect for individual work styles and life commitments, increasing loyalty. 

Implementing flexible work policies requires clear guidelines to ensure productivity is maintained. This includes setting core hours during which employees should be available for collaboration and establishing expected outcomes for tasks regardless of work hours. Use technology for communication and project management to support these policies.  

5. Conduct Virtual Team Building Activities 

Virtual team building involves creating a cohesive and collaborative remote work environment. Activities such as virtual escape rooms, online trivia, or group challenges can foster teamwork and communication, breaking down the barriers of physical distance. These initiatives encourage employees to interact socially, building relationships and improving collaboration.

To improve team cohesion, hold regular virtual meetings that are not solely focused on work-related topics. For example, provide virtual coffee breaks or happy hours where employees can share personal stories or interests. This helps in creating a more connected and supportive work culture.  

6. Recognize Employee Contributions 

Implement recognition programs that highlight individual and team achievements on a regular basis. This boosts the team’s morale and motivation. Don’t overlook the value of simple public acknowledgments during virtual meetings. Also offer a more structured rewards system, such as bonuses or additional time off for outstanding performance.

Personalized recognition is equally important. Understand what motivates each employee and tailor rewards to their preferences to demonstrate appreciation. This could be through personalized messages, career development opportunities, or public accolades.

7. Provide the Right Tools 

Essential tools include reliable communication platforms, project management software, and secure file-sharing services. These technologies enable collaboration and information exchange, replicating the interconnectedness of a physical office environment. Training on how to use these tools can further maximize their benefits. 

Additionally, ensuring employees have access to high-quality hardware such as laptops or ergonomic office equipment can significantly enhance their work experience and efficiency. Provide software that supports remote work-specific needs, such as virtual private networks (VPNs) for secure connections and time management apps to help with scheduling and focus.  

8. Encourage Company-Wide Remote Policies 

To foster an inclusive and supportive remote work environment, implement company-wide remote policies that encompass aspects such as flexible working hours, mental health support, and access to necessary technology. Standardize these practices across the organization to ensure that all employees, regardless of their location, receive equal support and opportunities. 

This uniform approach helps promote fairness and transparency within the remote workforce. These policies signal to employees that the organization values their well-being and productivity, encouraging a sense of loyalty and belonging. Regularly review and update these policies in consultation with employees to address challenges and changing needs. 

9. Create Opportunities for Career Growth 

Provide access to training and development programs that allow workers to acquire new skills and advance their careers within the company. By investing in employees’ professional growth, organizations demonstrate a commitment to their workforce’s future, which can enhance job satisfaction and retention rates.

Establish clear pathways for advancement and regularly discuss career goals during performance reviews to empower remote employees. This ensures they are aware of the opportunities available to them and understand what they need to do to achieve their goals.  

10. Offer Gamification 

Gamification introduces an element of fun and competition into the workplace, engaging remote employees in an interactive way. Incorporate game mechanics into work processes to make tasks more enjoyable and encourage effort. Gamification strategies include earning points for completing tasks, leaderboards to track performance, and rewards for achieving milestones. 

Gamification can also improve learning and development opportunities. For example, using quizzes or challenges to reinforce training material makes the learning process more engaging and memorable. It allows employees to apply their knowledge in a practical, enjoyable context, leading to better retention of information and skills. 

Improve Remote Employee Engagement with Fiverr Enterprise

A freelance management system (FMS) like Fiverr Enterprise can help you scale the way you manage and engage with your remote employees. A tool like this can support you in finding the right people for the job, quickly and compliantly onboarding them to your workforce, managing their workload, and paying them accurately and on time. 

Fiverr Enterprise is a Freelancer Management System (FMS) that gives you full visibility and control over your entire freelance workforce by allowing you to source, hire, onboard, manage and pay, all while ensuring compliance, so your teams can work faster and maximize business growth. The platform is built from the ground up to facilitate organizations in benefiting from the spike in freelance talent, beating the skills gap and onboarding the best available talent, no matter where they work. 

With Fiverr Enterprise, you can: 

  • Find the right talent: Our sourcing experts use your job listing to suggest 2-6 pre-vetted, highly capable candidates in up to 48 hours. 
  • Ensure 360 degree compliance: From worker classification, to all the right legal and tax documentation – compliance is automated from end-to-end. 
  • Build your own talent pool: Find freelancers you love, and include those you’ve worked with in the past. Make it quicker to get a project started (and finished).
  • Pay on your terms: You pay one invoice to Fiverr Enterprise each month, and every freelancer is paid accurately and on time, according to their requirements. 

Schedule 30-mins with one of our workforce experts, and see how Fiverr Enterprise works for yourself.