Staff Augmentation vs. Consulting: 6 Key Differences and How to Choose

Staff Augmentation vs. Consulting

What Is Staff Augmentation? 

Staff augmentation is a flexible outsourcing strategy that allows companies to hire tech talent globally and manage augmented teams directly. Unlike traditional employment, this approach enables employers to add skilled professionals to their existing teams on an as-needed basis, addressing short-term or project-specific skill gaps without the long-term commitment of hiring new full-time employees.

This model benefits organizations by providing the agility to scale their workforce up or down based on current project requirements, reducing recruitment time and costs. Staff augmentation services usually include administrative support for the augmented staff, such as payroll, taxes, and other HR responsibilities, allowing companies to focus on their core business activities.

What Is Consulting? 

Consulting refers to the professional practice of providing expert advice within a particular field or industry. Consultants are specialists in their domain, offering insights, strategies, and solutions to help clients overcome challenges, improve performance, or achieve specific goals. 

Unlike staff augmentation, consulting focuses on delivering value through knowledge and expertise rather than augmenting the workforce. This service model is characterized by its project-based nature and objective perspective. 

Consultants analyze a company’s needs, identify areas for improvement, and recommend actionable steps for enhancement or transformation. They bring a wealth of experience from working with various clients and industries, enabling them to offer innovative solutions and recommend business practices. 

Staff Augmentation vs. Consulting: The Key Differences

Let’s see how these two service models compare in several key areas.

1. Scope of Service 

Staff augmentation primarily addresses the immediate need for additional manpower, providing skilled professionals to integrate with existing teams for a specific period. This approach is tactical, focusing on filling skill gaps without altering the fundamental business processes or strategies.

Consulting offers strategic insights and expert advice aimed at improving overall business performance or solving complex problems. Consultants work on a project basis, delivering value through their specialized knowledge and experience. They focus on identifying issues, proposing solutions, and sometimes overseeing the implementation of these strategies. Consulting services can lead to long-term transformations within an organization.

2. Control and Management

In a staff augmentation model, companies retain complete control over their augmented workforce. They manage the external professionals as part of their internal teams, directing their day-to-day activities and integrating them into company culture and processes. This hands-on management approach ensures that augmented staff align with the organization’s goals, workflows, and project requirements.

Consulting operates on a more autonomous basis. While consultants collaborate closely with client teams, they maintain independence in how they conduct analyses and develop recommendations. This allows them to provide unbiased advice and innovative solutions. Clients have less direct control over consultants’ daily work but help define project outcomes and success metrics. 

3. Flexibility 

Staff augmentation offers high flexibility, allowing companies to respond quickly to changing project needs or market demands. They can easily scale their augmented workforce up or down, adapting to project timelines, budget constraints, or evolving skill requirements. This model supports short-term and long-term engagements.

Consulting services, while project-based, offer a different kind of flexibility. They allow organizations to access specialized expertise and external perspectives on an as-needed basis without committing to a long-term relationship or employment. Consulting projects can vary in scope and duration, from short-term assessments to comprehensive strategic transformations.  

4. Security 

In staff augmentation, security measures focus on ensuring that augmented staff comply with internal data protection policies and IT security protocols. Companies must extend their security training and compliance requirements to include augmented employees, treating them as part of their internal teams to mitigate risks related to data breaches or intellectual property theft.

Consulting engagements also present security considerations. Consultants often require access to confidential company data to perform their analyses and develop recommendations. Therefore, consulting agreements typically include strict confidentiality clauses and data handling procedures to protect sensitive information. It is also important to vet the internal security practices at a consulting organization before allowing access to sensitive projects.

5. Costs 

Staff augmentation is generally considered a cost-effective solution for companies looking to temporarily expand their workforce. The costs associated with staff augmentation include the hourly or project-based rates of the augmented staff, along with any administrative fees charged by the augmentation provider. This avoids the overhead associated with permanent hires, such as benefits, training, and equipment expenses.

Consulting services often involve higher costs due to the strategic value and expertise consultants bring to an organization. Consulting fees can vary widely based on the scope of the project, the reputation and experience of the consulting firm, and the specific outcomes desired by the client. These services offer improvements in efficiency, performance, or profitability that can justify their cost over time. 

6. Deliverables and Outcomes 

With staff augmentation, the primary deliverable is the skilled personnel that integrate into existing teams to help complete specific tasks or projects. The outcome is often measured by the successful completion of these tasks within set timelines, contributing to the broader project goals without altering strategic direction or operational methodologies.

Consulting focuses on delivering expert insights, strategic recommendations, and actionable plans tailored to address specific business challenges or objectives. The outcomes from consulting services are transformative changes within an organization, such as improved processes, enhanced performance metrics, or strategic pivots. These outcomes are more qualitative and impact-driven.

Related content: Read our guide to staff augmentation vs outsourcing

Staff Augmentation Pros and Cons 

Let’s consider the pros and cons of staff augmentation for an organization.


  1. Flexibility: Staff augmentation allows companies to scale their workforce up or down quickly based on project needs, without the long-term commitments associated with hiring full-time employees.
  2. Affordability: By avoiding the overhead costs of permanent hires such as benefits, training, and equipment, companies can save money. This model allows precise budgeting for short-term projects or temporary skill gaps.
  3. Access to specialized skills: Organizations can bring in highly skilled professionals with specific expertise needed for a project. This access to niche talent ensures that projects are executed efficiently and effectively.
  4. Reduced recruitment time: Staff augmentation services typically handle the recruitment process, providing vetted professionals ready to start quickly. This reduces the time and resources spent on hiring.


  1. Integration challenges: Integrating augmented staff into existing teams can sometimes be difficult. There may be issues with team dynamics, communication, and alignment with company culture and processes.
  2. Dependence on external providers: Relying heavily on external staff augmentation services can lead to dependency, which might be risky if the service provider fails to deliver or if there are abrupt changes in availability.
  3. Security risks: Involving external personnel can pose security risks, especially if they have access to sensitive data. Ensuring that augmented staff comply with internal security protocols can be challenging.
  4. Limited organizational knowledge: Augmented staff, being temporary, may lack deep understanding of the company’s long-term goals, culture, and internal processes.

Consulting Pros and Cons 

Consulting services offer a different set of benefits and challenges compared to staff augmentation.


  1. Expertise and experience: Consultants bring a wealth of knowledge and experience from various industries and projects. Their expertise can provide valuable insights and innovative solutions that internal teams might not have considered.
  2. Objective perspective: As external parties, consultants offer an unbiased viewpoint, which is crucial for identifying problems and proposing effective solutions. Their objectivity helps in making informed decisions without internal biases.
  3. Strategic focus: Consulting engagements are typically aimed at strategic improvements, such as enhancing business processes, developing new strategies, or solving complex problems. 
  4. Flexibility in engagement: Companies can hire consultants for specific projects, allowing for targeted expertise without the need for long-term commitment. This flexibility enables organizations to address particular challenges as they arise.


  1. High costs: Consulting services often come with a high price tag, reflecting the strategic value and expertise they provide. These costs can be a significant investment, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises.
  2. Limited control: Clients have less direct control over consultants’ work processes, which might lead to misalignment in expectations or deliverables.
  3. Temporary engagement: Consulting engagements are typically project-based and short-term. While they provide valuable insights and recommendations, the implementation and long-term adherence to these recommendations can be challenging without ongoing support.
  4. Potential for misalignment: Consultants, being external to the organization, may not fully understand the company’s culture, values, or internal politics. This can sometimes result in recommendations that do not align with internal stakeholders and objectives.

Staff Augmentation or Consulting: How to Choose? 

Choosing between staff augmentation and consulting depends on your organization’s specific needs, goals, and current challenges. Here are some key considerations to help you decide.

Project Requirements

Assess the nature of the project or problem at hand. If you need additional hands on deck for routine tasks or to meet immediate deadlines, staff augmentation is likely the better choice. This model excels in providing the manpower needed to handle operational demands without long-term commitments. 

Conversely, if your project requires specialized knowledge, strategic planning, or significant changes in processes, consulting services will provide the expertise and strategic insights necessary for success.

Duration and Commitment

Consider the duration of your needs. Staff augmentation is suitable for short-term projects or when you need to temporarily boost your workforce to meet peak demands. It allows for quick scaling up or down, aligning workforce size with project timelines. 

Consulting engagements are typically shorter in duration but focused on delivering impactful, strategic outcomes. If your requirements are more about long-term strategic improvements, consulting might offer more value.

Expertise and Insights

Identify whether your need is more tactical or strategic. Staff augmentation is beneficial for tactical execution, providing the skilled personnel necessary to complete specific tasks. 

However, if your challenge requires deep industry knowledge, strategic insights, and innovative solutions, consulting services can deliver the expertise needed to address complex issues and drive improvements.

Risk Management

Consider the potential risks and how they align with each model. Staff augmentation can pose risks related to integrating external staff into your organization and ensuring compliance with security protocols. 

Consulting might present risks if there is a misalignment in expectations or if recommendations are not fully feasible within your organizational context. 

Fiverr Enterprise Bridges the Gap Between Staff Augmentation & Consulting Services 

Fiverr Enterprise, a freelance management system (FMS), connects businesses with a vast network of expert freelancers, easily and quickly bridging the gap between staff augmentation and consulting services. 

With Fiverr Enterprise, organizations can quickly and efficiently scale their teams by hiring exceptional talent on-demand for either short-term or long-term opportunities. This allows businesses and organizations to reduce overhead costs and long-term commitments associated with traditional hiring. 

Our sourcing and hiring service takes the stress of hiring freelance talent off your plate by providing you with viable candidates within 48 hours. 

Interested in learning more about the Fiverr Enterprise platform? Talk to one of our workforce experts today for a personalized demo.