How much are you really spending on sourcing freelance talent?

Our freelance cost calculator allows you to see the big picture of your business’ yearly sourcing and hiring spend. Use the calculator below to see how much you’re currently spending, and learn how you could save. 

Two columns
Savings Calculator
What fees are you paying to your staffing agencies?
0% 100%
How else do you source your freelance talent?
How many freelance talent do you hire each year?
1 50
What is the average yearly gross salary in your external team?
$10 $80
How many hours does it take for your team to source a freelancer, write a contract, determine worker classification, and onboard them?
1 50
What is the hourly cost of your hiring manager?
40 400
Total Summary
Sourcing freelance talent costs you $2,000
With Fiverr Enterprise, it would cost you $1,000
Annual savings $1,000
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